. IP Addresses are classified into two types namely Private IP and Public IP.
. Public IP is valid address which can be used to access internet.
. Private IP is used within network which is assigned to each device inside network.
. Allocation of IP is done by IANA ( Internet Assigned Number Authority).
Private IP:
. Each device inside network contains a specific IP address.
. These are assigned by router automatically.
. They need not to be unique over world because they are not accessed directly.
. It means various devices can have same Private IP across world i.e. outside private network.
. They need not to be unique over world because they are not accessed directly.
. It means various devices can have same Private IP across world i.e. outside private network.
. It is not accessed over internet.
. Referred as Internal IP Address.
Classes of Private IP:
. There are certain addresses in each class of IP Addresses.
. They are reserved for private networks.
. Any IP Address in the below Classes come under Private IP Address.
. Any IP Address in the below Classes come under Private IP Address.
Class A: to
Class B: to
Class C: to How to know Private IP?
. Go to command prompt and type in ipconfig.
Public IP:
. It is globally unique IP address assigned by Internet Service Provider (ISP).
. Each and every Private IP is accessed with internet by the help of Public IP Address.
. NAT (Network Address Translator) is designed for IP Address conversation.
. It allows router to act as an agent between internet and local network.
. Referred as External IP Address.
How to know Public IP?
. Type in 'What is my ip' in browser.
. To know Public IP of any website, we can find it out by using command prompt.
. Enter ping microsoft.com , it shows the Public IP Address of that particular site.
Private IP | Public IP |
Used with LAN or within organization | Used on public network (Internet) |
Not recognized on internet | Recognized on internet |
Given by Administrator | Given by Internet Service Provider by IANA |
Unique within network or organization | Globally unique |
Free | Have to pay Service Provider |
Unregistered IP | Registered IP |