. PostgreSQL is a Object-Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS) developed in the year 1996.
. It can handle data ranging from a single machine applications to internet based applications.
. Available in Windows, Linux, MacOS, Unix, Solaris etc.
. Many companies like Apple, Red Hat, Cisco etc uses this database.
. It can handle data ranging from a single machine applications to internet based applications.
. Available in Windows, Linux, MacOS, Unix, Solaris etc.
. Many companies like Apple, Red Hat, Cisco etc uses this database.
Downloading PostgreSQL:
. PostgreSQL database is free. We can download from postgresql website.
. Select the Operating System.
. Download the Installer.
. Give the Password to connect to the database.
. Type the password and click on OK.
. Give the table name and add the columns as below:
. In the columns tab, click on the + sign.
. We can add the columns by specifying column name, data type and constraints as well. Finally click on Save.
. It opens the SQL query tab where you can insert the values and click on Run button.
. We can observe data is updated by using select query to retrieve data.
. We can observe record is deleted.
. Download the Installer.
. Now choose the version of the database and also the OS version. Click on download.
Installing PostgreSQL:
. Run the setup file. Click on Next.
. Give the Password to connect to the database.
Using GUI tool to connect PostgreSQL:
. We can connect to the database and perform operations like storing, retrieving data either from command prompt or from pgAdmin4 which is GUI.
. Search for pgAdmin in the start menu.
. Now connect to the database as follows:
Creating database:
. Right click on Databases > Create > Database.

. Give Database name and click on Save.
Creating Table:
. Right click on Tables > Create > Table.
. Give the table name and add the columns as below:
. In the columns tab, click on the + sign.
. We can add the columns by specifying column name, data type and constraints as well. Finally click on Save.
Inserting data:
. We can insert data into the table using scripts.
. Right click on table > Scripts > Insert Script.
. It opens the SQL query tab where you can insert the values and click on Run button.
Retrieving data:
. We can write SELECT query in the query tool or else we can use the scripts.
. Right click on the table > Scripts > SELECT Script
. Run the query, we get the resultset of the table as follows:Updating data:
. We can update record using query in the query tool or by using Scripts.
. Right click on table > Scripts > UPDATE Script.
. We have to modify the query as required and run it.. We can observe data is updated by using select query to retrieve data.
Deleting record:
. We can delete record from the table by using script as follows:
. Right click on table > Scripts > DELETE Script.
. We have to modify the query as the way we wanted to delete the records.. We can observe record is deleted.